tiistai 11. elokuuta 2009

Ylen Kirsi Virtasen ohjelmasta kantelu JSN:lle vihapuheen takia

Svensfinkand in English -blogi:
Ylen Radio 1 programme reported for hate speech

Kenneth Myntti: Huggormen som finnen när vid sin barm

Björn Mänsson: Hets mot folkgrupp i Yle Radio 1

The controversial radio presenter Kirsi Virtanen’s programme of 29 July has been reported to the Mass Media regulator.

In her programme of 29 July which was broadcast on the Finnish language channel Ylen Radio 1, Virtanen took up the theme of immigrants and immigration. The programme has caused a lot of debate and discussion in Swedish-speaking media in Finland as in the programme Virtanen stated that people from “foreign countries” are living in Eastern Helsinki, such as Somalians, Russians, Estonians, Turks – and Swedes.