Yle: Räsänen Yle Newsille: Maahanmuuttoa tarvitaan 25.3.2015
Yle News: Räsänen: Fighting to stop gay marriage and jihadism, but pro-immigration
Ylen englanninkielisten uutisten puoluejohtajien haastattelusarjassa vuorossa on kristillisdemokraattien puheenjohtaja Päivi Räsänen.
Lisää maahanmuuttajia
Räsäsen mukaan Suomi tarvitsee lisää maahanmuuttajia, koska kaikkiin töihin ei saada suomalaisia tekijöitä. Myös pakolaisten kiintiöta voitaisiin Räsäsen mukaan kasvattaa. Tämä kuitenkin riippuu kuntien kyvystä ottaa pakolaisia vastaan, Räsänen muistuttaa.
Räsänen ei ole huolissaan Suomen islamisoitumisesta, mutta radikalisoituminen on myös Suomen ongelma.
– Meillä on noin sata ihmistä, joiden uskotaan radikalisoituneen Suomessa, Räsänen kertoo.
– Tässä asiassa meidän täytyy tehdä yhteistyötä moskeijoiden kanssa, jotta viranomaiset voivat yhdessä muslimien kanssa taistella ääriliikettä
Yle News: Räsänen: Fighting to stop gay marriage and jihadism, but pro-immigration
More immigrants needed
We asked if Finland needed more immigrants.
"Yes, we need more immigrants,” she said. “We have areas in our labour market that we do not get Finnish people to do. Nowadays we have many immigrants working as bus drivers or taxi drivers and so on."
In the past, Räsänen has also spoken about the need for immigrants and refugees to better integrate into Finnish society. She said that Finland has a responsibility to take in as many refugees as municipalities can absorb.
"Christian Democrats consider and propose that we should raise the (refugee) quota to 1000 or even more," she said. "But it depends on municipalities…..we are trying to entice our municipalities to take more refugees."
"We have to bear our responsibility of solidarity in this world," she said. "Because we know that there are billions (sic) of refugees all around the world who don’t find a home, and Finland can offer a home to them."
Against jihadism, but not Islam
We asked Räsänen about comments regarding her trepidation about the “Islamification of Finland.” She answered that Islamification isn’t a worry of hers, but radical Islam is.
"I’m concerned about jihadism, global jihadism, because it’s a problem also in Finland," she said.
"The majority of Muslim people are peaceful and I’m not worried about them. But I am worried about jihadism. Extremism. Because in Finland we have about 60 persons who have left Finland as foreign fighters to Syria and northern Iraq and it is a big problem," she said.
"We have some 100 people who perhaps are radicalised in Finland," she said. "There we need to cooperate with mosques so that our own authorities can cooperate with Muslim communities. So that we can together combat (extremism)."
"Quite recently we have started cooperation and conversation, our police authorities have gone to mosques and have been discussing there with Muslim people," she said.
"And for example I invited some Muslim mothers to come to our ministry and we had discussions about how to prevent their young boys and girls - their sons and daughters - from becoming radicalised. And they were very fruitful discussions."